Learn the Bright Method, a time management system designed to help you get it all done – personally and professionally – with less stress and more calm clarity.
Let's get you falling asleep proud of what you got done today & calm about what's on tap tomorrow.
Born out of my early days as an overwhelmed big law attorney, the Bright Method is a practical time management system for working women. It's helped me – and now 200+ working women – manage all personal and professional activities with less stress and more peace of mind, feel confident saying "no," and take a break – and actually enjoy it.
learn about my 10-week TIME MANAGEMENT program FOR WOMEN here
“After going through Kelly’s [time management course], I sleep better. I am less anxious about all that I have to do because I know I have a system that allows me to prioritize the most important things first. I feel more put together and I have more confidence in saying yes or no… My husband and I are better partners to each other because we're getting all the stuff that takes time out in the open and making a game plan for who does what and when.
“I also had more confidence in pushing a prioritization conversation at work with my boss and business partners. I was able to get alignment to work on 3 big priorities for the quarter - only 3. With two weeks left in the quarter, we're on track to deliver all 3, something my boss didn't expect would be possible.”
Stephanie Ness,
Finance Director & Mom, Minneapolis
“In 15 years of reporting on productivity tools, I thought I’d tried them all... Then former litigator Kelly Nolan, a time-management strategist who works mostly with high-achieving women, surprised me with a deceptively simple system...
“The method has solved my issues of being chronically overbooked and under-rested... One month in, I’ve found myself more likely to find time for passion projects... I’m also finding it easier to say no to work and social opportunities.”
Bloomberg Businessweek, Article by Arianne Cohen
I’m not naturally organized, so I get how overwhelm happens and feels.
As a patent litigator working at a big law firm, while I looked like I had it together on the outside, inside I felt stretched way too thin, constantly anxious I’d drop a ball, and not able to enjoy my friends and family because of nagging work concerns. I kept thinking, “there’s got to be a better way."
Over time, I created my own time management system that allowed me to focus at work with less stress, be present with friends and family, and to take breaks – and actually enjoy them. And I kept practicing law.
It wasn't until years later that I realized others felt like I had. I now teach professional working women (over 200 now!) this time management system, the Bright Method, so you too can experience more clarity and confidence, feel effective, drive your career forward, and soak in time with family and friends.
“Thank you, Kelly. I now look at my calendar and have a clear game plan for the week ahead and am excited about tackling my priorities. You were amazing to work with.”
Shannon Boxx, Entrepreneur, Mom, US Women's Soccer National Team Midfielder, three-time Olympic gold medalist, World Cup champion, FIFA World Player of the Year finalist
“I feel like I have found the map I need to navigate myself through the waters of kids, my business, my interests, and other obligations. It's felt so overwhelming to do everything in the past, and now I feel a sense of calm about getting done what I want to get done.”
Katie Martens, Martens Law Office, Attorney, Business Owner & Mom, Omaha, NE
“This is the most practical, realistic time management program I've seen—and I am a huge productivity nerd and thought I'd seen it all! Well worth the time and money.”
Vivian Kimball, Project Manager, Jamaica Plain, MA
Learn the Bright Method here
want to take it for a test drive?
Time management is incredibly personal, so let's make sure you like the Bright Method before you dive in further! In the Reset & Refresh, you'll get five days of video lessons (and guides) that give you a taste of each major pillar of the Bright Method – all for free.
Want to try out the Bright Method?
Time management is incredibly personal, so let's make sure you like the Bright Method before you dive in further! In the Reset & Refresh, you'll get five days of video lessons (and guides) that give you a taste of each major pillar of the Bright Method – all for free.