Client results

I'll let the women who've gone before you – the real women across different industries, with and without kids, and with different preferences – take it from here.

From a Physician & Mom of Three:

"I am definitely the busiest I have ever been in my life — working full-time at a pretty high-stress job, having a partner who works full-time, and having 3 kids who each have their own unique schedules with school, activities, etc. 

"And yet… I am also probably the most relaxed/calm I have been in a very long time (ever?). My workload (between home and work) hasn’t changed, but the way I process and calendar the endless to-do’s has, and it’s amazing… I have nooo stress about managing all of these [family-related] tasks, and the best part is that there is no longer an endless and constant mental list in my brain about everything I have to do. 

"I seriously cannot believe that despite having so much going on, I am reading books for pleasure every night and working out every morning with a clear brain, and continuing to have space and time for me and my husband. And fun free time with the kids.

“I’m so grateful! This has sincerely been life-changing. I still just cannot believe how relaxed I am AND still on top of everything. I forgot to mention, I got my husband on board and he has taken the lead on weekly planning sessions for our household/kid stuff and that has also been a dream.”

Dr. Rachel David, Physician & Mom of 3

From a Woman in Corporate & Mom:

"I feel like I'm finally navigating my life in the driver's seat, instead of being taken for a ride! Before, I felt like I was constantly failing because my list of tasks never got any shorter and I was always working too much and juggling too many conflicting priorities and deadlines...

"My biggest wins have been the ability to SEE immediately when I'm overcommitted, which allows me to confidently negotiate timelines upfront. I didn't realize how much of my stress came from committing to timelines and then not realizing until late in the game that I had too much on my plate and not enough time to complete everything. I was pulling so many late nights to get things done, and now I can prevent that whole cycle from happening.

"Kelly's method of connecting tasks to the concrete reality of time, using the visual format of a calendar is just so logical that once you learn it, you'll wonder why everyone else isn't doing this! She's a fantastic teacher and truly a delight to work with.

A.M., Marketing Director, California

Click here to hear more from A.M.

From A.M., Marketing Director, California:

"I feel like I'm finally navigating my life in the driver's seat, instead of being taken for a ride! Before, I felt like I was constantly failing because my list of tasks never got any shorter and I was always working too much and juggling too many conflicting priorities and deadlines. Because the Bright Method gave me an objective framework for seeing exactly how and where my workload didn't match up with my needs (i.e. sleep), it empowered me to make changes.

"My biggest wins have been the ability to SEE immediately when I'm overcommitted, which allows me to confidently negotiate timelines upfront. I didn't realize how much of my stress came from committing to timelines and then not realizing until late in the game that I had too much on my plate and not enough time to complete everything. I was pulling so many late nights to get things done, and now I can prevent that whole cycle from happening.

"Kelly's method of connecting tasks to the concrete reality of time, using the visual format of a calendar is just so logical that once you learn it, you'll wonder why everyone else isn't doing this! She's a fantastic teacher and truly a delight to work with.

"If you’re considering Kelly’s program, do it! Even if you think you don't have time (ESPECIALLY if you don't think you have time), you owe it to yourself (and if you have a family, to them!) to regain control of your one precious life.

"There's definitely a time investment, but it's an up-front thing: once you get all your systems tested and working for you, it's so easy to maintain and you'll reap many hours worth of benefits in the future.

"Confession: the cost made me gulp. I waited through a couple of programs and had such a hard time justifying the expense. I even read practically every article Kelly ever wrote and tried to piece the Bright Method together for myself! What I learned really helped, but I kept hitting barriers. After finally enrolling in the program, I can say: 100% worth the investment."

From a Physician & Mom:

Margaret, Physician, Boston

Click here to hear more from Margaret

"I have been able to put more of my project work time into my daytime working hours. I also was recently able to say a concrete and confident no to an ask because I could see that I had no whitespace on my calendar during the time I would need to do the work. Such amazing clarity!

"I really appreciated how Kelly emphasized that the components of her program are principles that are customized to an individual's life circumstances. I need to understand the 'bones' of a system to feel I can own it rather than have to follow someone else's mold. I also really appreciated how Kelly demonstrated the flexibility of each component so I could really feel the breathing room within the program.

"Working with Kelly and the Bright Method Program has given me the tools to take control of my schedule, my tasks, my work, and my clarity. It used to feel like life was in control of me and now I know I am in control of life. I can better see all of the parts of my life AND see how they interact with each other. We like to talk about 'work-life balance', but this is the first time I have been able to see a visual representation of 'work-life INTEGRATION'. I have found the understanding to give myself grace because I can see that time is finite. And I can see everything I have to do in a day so that I am better prepared to know when I can say yes to the next project or ask. The Bright Method is a set of principles that can be customized to each person's specific work, life, and other responsibilities so that I can even be in control of my time management system! I feel a giant elephant of stress has been lifted from my shoulders!

From Margaret, Physician, Boston:

"Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed, anxious, out of control, and always behind.
I’d tried putting tasks on a calendar and using a task management app. 

"After learning the Bright Method, I have a lot more clarity about what is on my plate, increased effectiveness at getting the important tasks done first and in a timely way, a better understanding of how long projects and tasks take, and more grace for myself when I can't do it all.

"I have been able to put more of my project work time into my daytime working hours. I also was recently able to say a concrete and confident no to an ask because I could see that I had no whitespace on my calendar during the time I would need to do the work. Such amazing clarity!

"I really appreciated how Kelly emphasized that the components of her program are principles that are customized to an individual's life circumstances. I need to understand the 'bones' of a system to feel I can own it rather than have to follow someone else's mold. I also really appreciated how Kelly demonstrated the flexibility of each component so I could really feel the breathing room within the program..

"Working with Kelly and the Bright Method Program has given me the tools to take control of my schedule, my tasks, my work, and my clarity. It used to feel like life was in control of me and now I know I am in control of life. I can better see all of the parts of my life AND see how they interact with each other. We like to talk about 'work-life balance', but this is the first time I have been able to see a visual representation of 'work-life INTEGRATION'. I have found the understanding to give myself grace because I can see that time is finite. And I can see everything I have to do in a day so that I am better prepared to know when I can say yes to the next project or ask. The Bright Method is a set of principles that can be customized to each person's specific work, life, and other responsibilities so that I can even be in control of my time management system! I feel a giant elephant of stress has been lifted from my shoulders!

"Definitely worth the time investment! The time I spent during the weeks of the Bright Method were essential in learning the tools, but also practicing and building the muscle memory. Those hours of intentional practice have saved me time over and over again since. And even in aspects of my life I wouldn't have expected to see a benefit.

"The program is worth the financial investment. It took me a long time to talk myself into spending the money. Though I can't quantify how much benefit I have had since then, emotionally, it is totally worth the money and I have no qualms recommending it to others. It is worth investing the time in your own future happiness."

From a Working Mom:

"The Bright Method allowed me to get clear on what my capacity was and see that I was totally overworked. Due to finally being clear about my workload and what that meant for my organization and having conversations with my boss, I got promoted at work 5 months after the program ended. I got a large pay raise and title, and less (but deeper) responsibilities. All the work that kept me from doing the important work got taken off my plate. I can now focus on the things that will make a HUGE impact on my organization, and it's the stuff I like to do! I enjoy going to work again and feel like I'm making a difference instead of putting out urgent but not important fires every day and never getting to the things that matter."


Click here to hear more from A.T.

From A.T., a Working Mom:

"Before learning the Bright Method, my schedule was packed and to-do list was overflowing. I wasn’t making the progress I wanted on my goals and living very reactively. I had an overflowing email inbox and was checking email constantly at night and on the weekends.

"I’d tried all. the. things. I am a giant productivity nerd, so read Getting Things Done, a bunch of Cal Newport books, Come Up for Air (love that one actually), The 12 Week Year. I’d listened to time management podcasts (Laura Vanderkam, Sarah Hart-Unger - where I found Kelly, actually). I’d subscribed to Shawn Blanc at The Sweet Setup, watched the "Email Stack Method" videos on YouTube, etc. I follow Lisa Woodruff from Organize 365.

"Eight months after the program, I feel great about my workload and have much less stress.

"The Bright Method was the right fit for me… I'm sorry, but I have such a hard time relating to male "productivity experts". I try to like Cal Newport, but UGH, his tips barely mention family/home responsibilities. Don't even get me started on that [expletive and man’s name removed because Kelly’s a risk-averse former lawyer haha]... Kelly gets it. She has a BIG JOB but is the primary parent. I have a BIG JOB and am the primary parent. I think what made the difference was time blocking sleeping, getting kids ready, driving, etc. all the daily "stuff" of being a mom FIRST and then seeing, ok, so I really have like 7 hours to work each day. Plus email and meetings eats 3-4 hours per day. So really, I have about 3 hours of "focused work" each day. Cool. That's why I can never get 8 hours of work done and feel constantly behind. It was eye opening to actually see the reality of my schedule and know I wasn't a lazy slacker who couldn't get stuff done, but overworked with too many meetings and too many emails and doing too many little things with not enough space for the stuff that mattered.

"The Bright Method allowed me to get clear on what my capacity was and see that I was totally overworked. Due to finally being clear about my workload and what that meant for my organization and having conversations with my boss, I got promoted at work 5 months after the program ended. I got a large pay raise and title, and less (but deeper) responsibilities. All the work that kept me from doing the important work got taken off my plate. I can now focus on the things that will make a HUGE impact on my organization, and it's the stuff I like to do! I enjoy going to work again and feel like I'm making a difference instead of putting out urgent but not important fires every day and never getting to the things that matter.

"If you're thinking about taking Kelly’s program, do it!! There will never be a perfect time where you have less to do, so do it now. I thought about it for a couple years before I pulled the trigger. I wish I would have done it sooner... And you can go back through the modules at any time you want! Even if you can't make the live calls (I always had a conflict), you get so much listening to the recordings. DO IT!!!

"Yes, the time investment was worth it, but I have fun doing this stuff, so it was fun for me. I think even if it wasn't fun, the end result would be worth it. Just so much clarity."

"In terms of the cost, I was on the fence because it was a big financial investment. Kelly has payment programs which made it doable. Then I'm not saying it was due wholly to the Bright Method, but I got a 1.7x raise, so yes, lol, it was worth it!!"

From a Woman in Corporate & Mom:

"If you're a working mother who also wants to excel in her career, this program will provide benefits that will pay dividends for years to come. It'll provide you with a flexible and sustainable system to manage and visual all that you need to do. Once you're able to do that, you can then life with more intention, power and peace...

"Prior to working with Kelly, I had managed life as a working mother of two young kids through the pandemic. Shortly into the pandemic, I found out I was pregnant with my third. I had been back to work following my third child for about 6 months when I started Kelly's program, and honestly it was a godsend! Kelly's system has adapted with me through this journey and more given me a way to ensure I am focused and prioritizing the basics. I am so thankful I have these tools available to me and know I will use them for years to come, even as my life circumstances continue to evolve."

Candace Mullins, Sr. Manager Investment Operations, CA

Click here to hear more from Candace

From Candace Mullins, Sr. Manager Investment Operations, CA

"Before working with Kelly, I felt scattered, overwhelmed, and unable to keep up. I’d tried using iCal, a bullet journal, Outlook, Excel, OneNote, and probably more.

"Now, I totally have more confidence that I have a reliable system not only to help me manage when I am going to do stuff but also capture and process what I need to.

"Early on after implementing Kelly's method, my husband was helping me with an errand - picking up a new pair of soccer shorts for our daughter. He came home so thrilled and bought into the system because he said he had totally forgot what size he was supposed to get, but he checked the calendar entry and everything was right there. He's been a convert and enjoyed using the system to keep us on the same page. It really has helped reduce conflicts and confusion!

"The planning session concept has been tremendously helpful.

"If you're a working mother who also wants to excel in her career, this program will provide benefits that will pay dividends for years to come. It'll provide you with a flexible and sustainable system to manage and visual all that you need to do. Once you're able to do that, you can then life with more intention, power and peace.

Kelly is so incredibly patient and personable. She does a masterful job managing the large group session, as well as the breakouts. She is thoughtful in her approach to leading the dialogue but drawing out perspectives, questions, and input from the group. I also was so very thankful for my 1-1 time with Kelly. I could tell that she sincerely wanted to see me find success with tailoring my system to fit my needs. She was thoughtful in the suggestions she brought to our time and never made me feel silly for any question. I am so thankful I found her and the Bright Method!!

This program was absolutely worth the time investment! It reminded me of the importance of investing time in my own development. It provided me useful time management skills, but also reenergized my passion for learning and growing.

I was lucky enough to get me work to reimburse the full cost, but even if I had paid out of my own pocket, it was easily worth the peace of mind I have gained!

Prior to working with Kelly, I had managed life as a working mother of two young kids through the pandemic. Shortly into the pandemic, I found out I was pregnant with my third. I had been back to work following my third child for about 6 months when I started Kelly's program, and honestly it was a godsend! Kelly's system has adapted with me through this journey and more given me a way to ensure I am focused and prioritizing the basics. I am so thankful I have these tools available to me and know I will use them for years to come, even as my life circumstances continue to evolve.

From a Biopharma Consultant:

"Before taking the Bright Method program, I felt completely fogged in – working in reactive mode and feeling like I always needed to be doing something to 'catch up.’...

"I am still implementing the program, BUT I don't have the nagging feeling anymore. I'm starting to trust my calendar. And when I don't do something, it is by choice, not by accident. I can look ahead and make decisions versus just reacting. I feel like I am 40% of the way to fully implementing the program… but even with 40% implementation I feel 1000% better. I have more clarity about where my time is going and am able to schedule time to do what is important to me...

"In terms of whether Kelly is the right fit, where do I start? She’s very approachable – excellent at creating an environment for open dialogue and sharing of experiences. She does not claim to have all the answers – much more of a guide than teacher approach, which works well because (based on the cohort I was in) every single one of the women was impressive, skilled, and very very competent. Kelly’s able to moderate like a master! Nobody took up too much time, and she was able to take discussions offline effectively. Also, she has a good sense of humor about it all. Kelly’s not driven by ACHIEVE ALL THE THINGS. Also, she has a good sense of humor and humility.

M.R., Biopharma Consultant, Cambridge, MA

Click here to hear more from M.R.

From M.R., Biopharma Consultant, Cambridge, MA

"Before taking the Bright Method program, I felt completely fogged in – working in reactive mode and feeling like I always needed to be doing something to 'catch up.’ I’d tried GTD [Getting Things Done], zero inbox, using lists and trying to keep the tasks to 3-4 a day, paper planners....

"I am still implementing the program, BUT I don't have the nagging feeling anymore. I'm starting to trust my calendar. And when I don't do something, it is by choice, not by accident. I can look ahead and make decisions versus just reacting. I feel like I am 40% of the way to fully implementing the program… but even with 40% implementation I feel 1000% better. I have more clarity about where my time is going and am able to schedule time to do what is important to me.  

"Because I now plan in this way, I have been able to be present for the important things – showing up for people who are dear to me. HUGE WIN. Before the Bright Method, I would have [done the same] but I would have been stressed about work and everything else.

"In terms of whether Kelly is the right fit, where do I start? She’s very approachable – excellent at creating an environment for open dialogue and sharing of experiences. She does not claim to have all the answers – much more of a guide than teacher approach, which works well because (based on the cohort I was in) every single one of the women was impressive, skilled, and very very competent. Kelly’s able to moderate like a master! Nobody took up too much time, and she was able to take discussions offline effectively. Also, she has a good sense of humor about it all. Kelly’s not driven by ACHIEVE ALL THE THINGS. Also, she has a good sense of humor and humility.

"I recommend the investment of time and money. It is a new way of thinking about time that provides concrete actions and strategies to help you design the life you want and understand the reality of what is realistic in a particular day, month, or season of life. It is a flexible method that can work in a range of life situations. If cost is an issue, do a cost per day calculation over a year. Much like a cost per wear analysis, the cost per use analysis is pennies."

From an Attorney & Mom:

"Before working with Kelly, I felt like I didn’t have a good handle around everything on my plate and that I was never able to completely finish my to-do list. I’d tried every planner under the sun but after a while I would simply stop using the planner and be back to square one.

"Now that I’ve completed the program I feel like I have more clarity around what I need to do and a plan for actually getting it done. The biggest win is that I no longer wonder if I have missed something important. I also like that because my calendar is current with what needs to be done that I no longer over commit.

"I really liked that Kelly took the time to actually help guide me through the process so that I could set up a time management system that could be further tailored to specifically fit my life.

"If you join the program, trust the process. If you stick with it, you will be amazed with the results. I rarely forget anything and if someone has a question about a project I can actually give them a pretty solid update on where things stand with it now.

"The results were worth the time investment. Things run so much more smoothly in my life now that I have a handle on my time. Actually, for what you get, I think the cost is extremely reasonable and if anything Kelly could charge much more for the service. Absolutely worth the money investment."

C.T., Attorney, VA

From a Ph.D. student:

“Now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s course, I feel much more calm and confident about my ability to get both major work projects and minor (but still important) work tasks done - on time! I feel much less stressed because I am no longer worried that I am dropping balls at work anymore. I'm learning to say no ahead of time, rather than at the last minute, because thanks to Kelly’s system, I now have a much more clear sense of my workload and equally important, of how my workload interacts with the rest of my life…

"I also think that the fact Kelly has a background in a career like law was one key reason why working with her was the right fit. […]there's a healthy dose of realism to Kelly’s approach to time management and that, paradoxically, can be so incredibly helpful to the women she works with whose work and lives are similarly demanding…

"I highly recommend working with Kelly - I can say without a doubt that taking Kelly's course is one of the best investments I've made in my career and life so far.”

click here to learn the bright method

Veronica Anghel, Ph.D. Candidate, Washington University in St. Louis

Click here to hear more from VERONICA

Veronica Anghel, Ph.D. Candidate, Washington University in St. Louis

"Before working with Kelly, I felt like I was constantly behind in everything, but especially major work projects that are critical to my long-term success. I was also having a hard time making time for the people and things that really mattered to me. When I did have downtime, I felt uneasy taking a break because I wasn't sure if I should be working in that moment or not since I was unclear about how much time I needed to be devoting to work projects in any given week.

I had tried reading blog posts, articles, and books on time management that encouraged you to think about the amount of hours in a week, to make time for the most important tasks and people in your life, and to find time for these by doing less chores, watching less t.v, and spending less time on social media. While this advice may be useful for some, I was already limiting or cutting out the non-essential tasks in my life, and I still felt like I had an unrealistic idea of how much could get done in a day.

Now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s course, I feel much more calm and confident about my ability to get both major work projects and minor (but still important) work tasks done - on time! I feel much less stressed because I am no longer worried that I am dropping balls at work anymore. I'm learning to say no ahead of time, rather than at the last minute, because thanks to Kelly’s system, I now have a much more clear sense of my workload and equally important, of how my workload interacts with the rest of my life.

Since going through Kelly’s process for planning out major work projects, I'm starting to feel like I can get it done over time and this realization is helping me feel more peace of mind about the project and work in general. Going through this process is also helping me get a better sense of how much time I have for additional (but optional) work projects and allowed me to start thinking about the things I might want to cut or defer to make sure that the projects that are most critical to my long-term success get done and get done in a high-quality fashion.

I think there's something very intuitive about Kelly’s time management system that especially fits people who like a mix of structure and flexibility in their lives. Some people are really naturally organized, really methodical, etc. in how they approach their time and all of their lives, and other people seem to love having no structure at all. I'm really somewhere in between and I think Kelly’s system particularly works for people who need or want a balance between structure and flexibility and spontaneity.

I also think that the fact Kelly has a background in a career like law was one key reason why working with her was the right fit. Before working with Kelly, I had listened to many people talk about time management, but they tended to be celebrity figures who have their own personal assistant, etc. and a job where it doesn't matter how many hours they put in but rather how much quality work they get done. So, a lot of times the advice would be something like - do this elaborate morning routine, or only do 3 things in your day, and so on. And I feel like in some careers it really does matter the amount of hours you put into a project because some things really do take a certain amount of hours and there's no getting around that. Along with this, it was so liberating to hear Kelly say that no, you don't need to do all these things before breakfast you could just jump straight into work if that is when your energy is best. This is just one example of how her educational and work experience shapes her approach to time management - there's a healthy dose of realism to Kelly’s approach to time management and that, paradoxically, can be so incredibly helpful to the women she works with whose work and lives are similarly demanding.

I loved the group dynamic and the breakout sessions as well! What I find so valuable about the group dynamic is that it enabled me to see how this system can be applied in different ways - hearing different women describe how they've implemented what Kelly teaches in the course helped me see examples of how this system is flexible, adapts to your life, and also sparked ideas for ways that I could maximize results. I found the tips and ideas I got in the group calls to be extremely useful, and I really do think the group calls add immense value to the course.

I highly recommend working with Kelly - I can say without a doubt that taking Kelly's course is one of the best investments I've made in my career and life so far.

Watching the course modules provided truly restorative moments after a particularly busy week.

This course was so worth the financial investment. The value I got from Kelly's course is truly priceless.

I think being able to email Kelly directly and her taking the time to answer my questions over email or video (which is great!) as well as during the group calls was what made me feel personally supported!

Thank you Kelly for this program and for the work you do. Working with Kelly has been such a game changer, and I'm so thankful I made the decision to take her course."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From an attorney & business owner:

“The first brief I submitted, following Kelly’s program, was a game-changer. Feeling good about getting it not only submitted well within time, but also knowing it was a quality product because I wasn't rushing at the last minute and panicking that I missed something, was a relief I honestly have never felt before while practicing law. I was so calm! And it helped my arguments in the hearing too because I had been so organized in writing it (I won btw!).

"The program was also absolutely worth the money investment. I've easily made and saved that much money using the program.”

Kristin Waters Sullivan, Waters Sullivan LLC, Attorney/Owner, Birmingham, AL

From an Entrepreneur, Mom, & Professional Athlete:

“Kelly helped me organize my calendar in a way that has eliminated any doubts on what is expected of me each day, and… so that I could actually see time each day that was free to spend on myself (which I had been ignoring for way too long). Thank you, Kelly. I now look at my calendar have a clear game plan for the week ahead and am excited about tackling my priorities. You were amazing to work with.”

Shannon Boxx, Entrepreneur, Mom, US Women's Soccer National Team Midfielder, three-time Olympic gold medalist, World Cup champion, FIFA World Player of the Year finalist

Click here to hear more from Shannon

Shannon Boxx, Entrepreneur, Mom, US Women's Soccer National Team Midfielder, three-time Olympic gold medalist, World Cup champion, FIFA World Player of the Year finalist

"I met Kelly after talking with a good friend about how stressed and overwhelmed I had become trying to manage all my roles since retiring from professional soccer. My friend mentioned Kelly and how she specialized in helping busy women take control of their daily lives by helping them bring more balance into their work and personal life.

"I called her immediately and am so grateful I did. Kelly helped me organize my calendar in a way that has eliminated any doubts on what is expected of me each day, and... so that I could actually see time each day that was free to spend on myself (which I had been ignoring for way too long).

"Thank you, Kelly. I now look at my calendar and have a clear game plan for the week ahead and am excited about tackling my priorities. You were amazing to work with."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a physician & mom:

“I now have so much more clarity and confidence. I no longer blame myself for struggling to complete more tasks than reasonably fit into a given day… I am also enjoying the time I have blocked away for downtime and fun with less guilt.

"My biggest win is getting my already very supportive husband to sit and review my calendar with me and realize where he could help to watch our son more to give me more time… I feel like [Kelly’s method] equips him to be an even better partner... 

"If you’re considering Kelly’s program, you should not hesitate and sign up! … I have been talking to lots of people about her program, and I think their lives would be better if they took Kelly’s course!”

Dr. Marytery Fajardo, Physician & Mom, Miami, FL

Click here to hear more from Dr. Marytery Fajardo

Dr. Marytery Fajardo,
Physician & Mom, Miami, Florida

"Before taking Kelly’s group program, I felt like I must be a failure for not being able to get everything done…

"I now have so much more clarity and confidence. I no longer blame myself for struggling to complete more tasks than reasonably fit into a given day. Kelly helped me lay it all out on the calendar and identify blocks of time I had and what time I did not have. I have a game plan for things even if it will take a while to get caught up on everything. I am also enjoying the time I have blocked away for downtime and fun with less guilt.

"My biggest win is getting my already very supportive husband to sit and review my calendar with me and realize where he could help to watch our son more to give me more time… I feel like [Kelly’s method] equips him to be an even better partner.

"Kelly’s program was the right fit for me because I am detail oriented, and I like that she gives very specific guidance about time management.

"As for the group dynamic, at first, I was a little intimidated because everyone was so impressive and put together, but as the weeks went on I was more accepting that we were all in this together just figuring out the best way to get things done with calmness and clarity. I also realized that if these amazing women felt compelled to take this course then I should not be ashamed that I identified an area I needed help in and sought help. I really enjoyed hearing others' unique situations and solutions.

"If you’re considering Kelly’s program, you should not hesitate and sign up! Kelly has so many tips and resources to share. I have been talking to lots of people about her program, and I think their lives would be better if they took Kelly’s course!"

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a woman working in corporate & mom:

“Having that single view of all my personal and work to-dos provided incredible clarity and allowed me to work on a game plan to actually get it done… A big win for me was getting my husband to adopt [this] method, and to combine our activities and tasks into one view that we can both see. It has allowed us to collaborate and support one another in ways we couldn't do before because we didn't know what was on each other's to-do lists. It also eliminated stress between us because we have comfort that we will get a chance to do the things on our list… 

"If you are considering enrolling in this program, do it!… The results and the program were worth the money because it is a long-term investment. My family will be using this program to stay organized for many years to come.”

Kendall Tyson, Sports Industry Front Office

From an attorney & business owner:

“Before working with Kelly, I felt completely overwhelmed, jumbled, and I had so much anxiety over whether I was forgetting something.

"Now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s program, I'm no longer worried that something is going to fall through the cracks. Things that I would have forgotten until the last minute or put off before are getting done so I can relax about them. I'm still working on getting everything in order, but I feel like I have time to do things other than work and sleep.”

April Harris Jackson, Graceful Aging Legal Services, PLLC, Attorney/Owner, Nashville, TN

Click here to hear more from April Harris Jackson:

April Harris Jackson, Graceful Aging Legal Services, PLLC, Attorney/Owner, Nashville, TN:

"Before working with Kelly, I felt completely overwhelmed, jumbled, and I had so much anxiety over whether I was forgetting something.

"I’ve tried paper planners, time blocking, "top three things" to do lists, brain dumps, and various apps.

"Now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s program, I'm no longer worried that something is going to fall through the cracks. Things that I would have forgotten until the last minute or put off before are getting done so I can relax about them. I'm still working on getting everything in order, but I feel like I have time to do things other than work and sleep.

"I've been able to easily see where we need to add people to our team (what we need someone to do), what I need to delegate, and see where I have room for a lunch or personal time.

"Nothing that I’d tried before had helped, but Kelly showed me a way to see my calendar the way I see my life.

"This program was absolutely worth the time investment. Like everything else, it's an investment and I'm playing the long game. I had to wait a bit to take the class because of just how overwhelmed I was, and had to create some time to take the class, but it was worth it. I wish I'd been able to do it sooner. Since taking the class, I'm worrying less about work and enjoying my time off more- getting my hair done, reading, playing with my dogs- because I can.

"The program is also worth the financial investment. Time is money. But I can make more money, I can't get back these years of my life, or the health the stress of not controlling my life/calendar causes me. Seriously, $2K is nothing compared to a hospital stay."

From an Attorney & Mom:

"Before taking the Bright Method program, I had tried time blocking, and it never worked. I was muddling through with three calendars that didn't talk to each other and to do lists in multiple apps. While I’d tried different apps and time blocking, I didn't really know what I was doing.

"Now, I know I have a system in place, that I know what's on my calendar and I won't forget something, that gives me so much peace of mind both in a my personal and professional life.

Anna Kalarties, Attorney, Raleigh, NC

click here to learn the bright method

"The program’s worth the time, effort and money if you're really serious about trying to get a handle on everything. And it's not meant to turn you into a productive robot, but to take an honest look at what you have to do and the time you have to do it.

"The time investment was worth it to take the time to do this right. In terms of the financial investment, it was a commitment money-wise but I felt it was 100% worth it."

From Abby Fanlo, PhD Candidate, Stanford University - San Francisco, CA

"Before Kelly’s course, I felt incredibly overwhelmed. I constantly felt behind on things and never felt truly at peace when I took a moment off.

"This sounds trite, but now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s course, I truly feel organized for the first time since college. I know what I need to do, when I need to do it, and how to deal with it if certain tasks take longer than planned or emergencies arise. It has given me a peace of mind that things will get done that I never had before.

"For a long time, I had wanted to start a newsletter or podcast on the side to share my foreign policy knowledge with people outside academia. I finally felt like I had the time to do it- and with the war ongoing in Ukraine, I feel like I am actually helping my broader network of friends and family understand what's going on. I never would have had the time to do this without the time management program because I never would have penciled in the time to make it happen - constantly hoping it would somehow appear in my calendar!

"Hands down the most helpful thing has been breaking down big projects…. Now I know when and how a project will get completed, rather than being stressed about it for months because I am unsure if I can get it done.

"I have always loved planning things and writing them down so they are out of my head and onto a page, but I never had a good system of doing this that didn't get lost in a million different apps. I think Kelly’s system is great for people who like planning, who like organization, and who are working really hard -but who just can't quite figure out HOW to do it in a way that works.

"If you’re considering learning The Bright Method, DO IT - INVEST IN YOURSELF and YOUR POTENTIAL! It really gave me the ability to accomplish a lot more professionally than I was doing before - which in turn has really paid dividends for my confidence! Moreover, if you're like me and you're hardworking but also want to make your home life (social, family, partner) a bigger priority - it’s going to really help because the system makes it possible to commit to relationships/home life and plan your work around it.

"The financial investment is worth it for anyone because as I said, I am accomplishing far more than I was before professionally, so it’s paying dividends already."

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the Bright Method here

From a Ph.D. Candidate:

“Now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s course, I truly feel organized for the first time since college. I know what I need to do, when I need to do it, and how to deal with it if certain tasks take longer than planned or emergencies arise. It has given me a peace of mind that things will get done that I never had before.

"If you’re considering learning The Bright Method, DO IT - INVEST IN YOURSELF and YOUR POTENTIAL! It really gave me the ability to accomplish a lot more professionally than I was doing before - which in turn has really paid dividends for my confidence! Moreover, if you're like me and you're hardworking but also want to make your home life (social, family, partner) a bigger priority - it’s going to really help because the system makes it possible to commit to relationships/home life and plan your work around it.”

Abby Fanlo, PhD Candidate, Stanford University - San Francisco, CA

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Click here to hear more from Dr. ABBY FANLO

From an attorney:

“The course was a huge reality check as far as what I am physically able to do and to realize that I was trying to do too much (and the shame and guilt of not being able to do everything was unfounded)! I love that my to-do list(s) aren't staring me in the face anymore and I have peace of mind that the tasks are neatly tucked into a time slot in the future.”

"A lot of time management info I've gotten in the past was developed by and used by men. They just don't get it. :) Kelly has a very calming presence and message that we are doing GREAT – we're just trying to do too much. In a lot of business coaching, I think there's a "you should be doing more/better" vibe that comes across, which Kelly, thankfully, does not have!"

Amy Phillips, Attorney, Winter Haven, FL

Click here to hear more from AMY PHILLIPS

From Amy Phillips, Attorney, Winter Haven, FL:

"Before going through Kelly’s program, I felt frazzled, overwhelmed, guilty, and sometimes even lazy or flawed in some way. I always felt like I NEVER did as much as I "should" be doing.

"I’ve tried time-blocking (generically), various apps/software, and even going to Target when I’m feeling overwhelmed to buy cute new notebooks and pretty pens to use to organize myself.

"The course was a huge reality check as far as what I am physically able to do and to realize that I was trying to do too much (and the shame and guilt of not being able to do everything was unfounded)! I love that my to-do list(s) aren't staring me in the face anymore and I have peace of mind that the tasks are neatly tucked into a time slot in the future.

"A win from the program is that I'm actually sleeping better. Scheduling everything made me realize how much rest I *wasn't* getting!

"A lot of time management info I've gotten in the past was developed by and used by men. They just don't get it. :) Kelly has a very calming presence and message that we are doing GREAT – we're just trying to do too much. In a lot of business coaching, I think there's a "you should be doing more/better" vibe that comes across, which Kelly, thankfully, does not have!

"I love the group aspect of the program, and it’s great to get various perspectives on my questions and to see that other women are in the same boat.

"The program was worth the time investment for me. It did feel like a ton of time in the first few weeks - but Kelly told us upfront how much time it would take and to make room for it, so I wasn't unprepared for that.

"The program was also worth the financial investment for me, especially because I actually think I can make more money now that I'm not so scattered."

From an architect & mom:

“Now that I’ve gone through The Bright Method™, I feel a general sense of calm: I have a sense of clarity about what needs to happen in the moment

"Kelly's approach, as a fellow young mom with a career-oriented focus, was a clear fit for our similarities. She knows the challenges of juggling the work/life harmony and gave very practical advice for how to achieve our goals.”

Amanda Snelson, Architect & Mom

Click here to hear more from Amanda snelson

From Amanda Snelson, Architect & Mom:

"Now that I’ve gone through The Bright Method™, I feel a general sense of calm: I have a sense of clarity about what needs to happen in the moment.

"Everything from my physical environment to my financials feels much more organized -- and the areas where there's still some chaos have doable action plans with future time set aside to address.

"Kelly's approach, as a fellow young mom with a career-oriented focus, was a clear fit for our similarities. She knows the challenges of juggling the work/life harmony and gave very practical advice for how to achieve our goals.

"If you don't know where to begin on your long list of to-dos while your family and colleagues keep pinging you with more, look to Kelly to help wrangle it all through her calendar method that truly helps dispel the overwhelm.

"The time investment of this program was worth making. Breaking out the program into 6 weeks really made it manageable, as I typically like to 'do it all' at once.

"The financial investment into the program will pay for itself as the takeaways will be continually applied and improved upon as my life evolves."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a woman who works in corporate & mom:

“Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed and like I was constantly missing or forgetting something. I usually wasn't, but I never felt at peace about what all I was juggling and how it was going to get accomplished….

"Now that I’ve gone through Kelly’s program, I have reclaimed my brain space and have everything in ONE, easy to access place. I cannot even express how much more clear my priorities are for my life and my family now as compared to before.”

Dr. Katherine Crites, LX Designer, Houston, TX

Click here to hear more from Dr. Katherine Crites

From Dr. Katherine Crites, LX Designer, Houston, TX:

"Now that I’ve gone through The Bright Method™, I feel a general sense of calm: I have a sense of clarity about what needs to happen in the moment.

"Everything from my physical environment to my financials feels much more organized -- and the areas where there's still some chaos have doable action plans with future time set aside to address.

"Kelly's approach, as a fellow young mom with a career-oriented focus, was a clear fit for our similarities. She knows the challenges of juggling the work/life harmony and gave very practical advice for how to achieve our goals.

"If you don't know where to begin on your long list of to-dos while your family and colleagues keep pinging you with more, look to Kelly to help wrangle it all through her calendar method that truly helps dispel the overwhelm.

"The time investment of this program was worth making. Breaking out the program into 6 weeks really made it manageable, as I typically like to 'do it all' at once.

"The financial investment into the program will pay for itself as the takeaways will be continually applied and improved upon as my life evolves."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From an attorney, business owner & mom:

“I feel like I have found the map I need to navigate myself through the waters of kids, my business, my interests, and other obligations. It's felt so overwhelming to do everything in the past, and now I feel a sense of calm about getting done what I want to get done.”

Katie Martens, Martens Law Office, Attorney, Business Owner & Mom, Omaha, NE

Click here to hear more from KATIE MARTENS

From Katie Martens, Martens Law Office, Attorney, Business Owner & Mom, Omaha, NE:

"Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed and discouraged about being able to do everything I want to do.

"I had tried getting up earlier, berating myself for not keeping up with everything I wanted to do; purchasing different planners thinking if I found the right type of planner, it would somehow make me more productive; self-help books.

"I feel like I have found the map I need to navigate myself through the waters of kids, my business, my interests, and other obligations. It's felt so overwhelming to do everything in the past, and now I feel a sense of calm about getting done what I want to get done.

"For the past 2 weekends, I scheduled time for me to complete home projects that have been on my to-do list for over 2 years....and I got them done! I didn't realize how those annoying little tasks had been weighing on me, and it felt so good to have made the time on my calendar, and completed them. I've also begun creating realistic and helpful workflows for my business so that I don't have to live in my email, trying to remember what it is I'm supposed to do next.

"Kelly knows what it's like to actually practice law, and what it takes to manage all of that type of work. Knowing Kelly’s been in the trenches made me a lot more trusting of her process.

"This program gives you the tools you need to accomplish what you want to accomplish. I think it's a great fit for women who are ambitious or are in places of ownership in what they do.

"The program was absolutely worth the time investment for me. But I was also at a point that I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to take on more cases if I couldn't streamline them better, or achieve goals of building an app and writing a book. It helped tremendously for Kelly to have time estimates on how long videos and worksheets would take.

"The financial investment in this course is well worth the clarity I have from how I manage my time."

From a college instructor, business owner & mom:

“This program was worth the time and money 10x over! I actually told Kelly when I signed up that I was so overwhelmed I probably couldn't even get to the lessons and maybe I had to wait until next year when my work would calm down a bit. Oh the irony! I knew I needed it but didn't feel I could squeeze in the time. But the difference it made in just the first two weeks brought so much stress relief that I can't imagine NOT going through it now! For me, 2020 increased my workload and made things more stressful than ever before, and Kelly's program really helped me get more done with less time and ease the stress along the way.”

Dr. Chelsea Pierotti, College Instructor, Entrepreneur & Mom, Boulder, CO

Click here to hear more from Dr. Chelsea PIEROTTI

Dr. Chelsea Pierotti, College Instructor, Entrepreneur & Mom, Boulder, CO

"Before working with Kelly, my to-do list was taking so much time to write down every week, it felt counterproductive and never ending. I considered myself 'good' at time management and I still always struggled to prioritize the right things.

"I've always been a big fan of paper planners, and they worked for years. But as my kids grew and I started to grow a small business on the side of a full-time job, there were too many moving parts and the wheels began to fall off.

"After going through Kelly’s program, I feel so much calmer at the end of each workday. I actually said to my husband the other day after our kids went to sleep, 'it's so nice to sit down and relax with you rather than going back to work at 9pm!' I always felt the need to get in one more hour after the kids' bedtime because there was too much to do and I couldn't let it go enough to relax. Now, I can easily see my week and that I do actually have time to get things done as planned so I can stop working at night and enjoy my family time. I'm much more confident that I won't miss things and that I will always show up as the mom, wife, and colleague I hope to be.

"I love the community calls. The trainings, of course, are wonderful, but I loved talking with the other women who 'get it.' It was so powerful to talk to other parents of young children who have careers they care about and are trying to make it all work without guilt. The community gave me a lot of ideas and Kelly always had an answer to my specific question so I could adapt her system to my life and make it work.

"Kelly was the perfect person to work with because of her combination of confidence in the system, kind and caring nature, and personal attention to detail. She truly understands my struggles and treats everyone with respect and individual attention.

"I loved the group! The women there were just like me and it was so helpful to hear people in different industries talk about how this system works for them and share their ideas. Oftentimes someone in another industry would share an idea that I had never thought of because it isn't common in my line of work, and that was really helpful. It was also really nice to talk with other moms who are trying to juggle not only their own work calendar, but the whole family's calendar!

"This program was worth the time and money 10x over! I actually told Kelly when I signed up that I was so overwhelmed I probably couldn't even get to the lessons and maybe I had to wait until next year when my work would calm down a bit. Oh the irony! I knew I needed it but didn't feel I could squeeze in the time. But the difference it made in just the first two week brought so much stress relief that I can't imagine NOT going through it now! For me, 2020 increased my workload and made things more stressful than ever before, and Kelly's program really helped me get more done with less time and ease the stress along the way.

"[T]he program was worth the money investment for me. It is a lot for many women, but for me the decision went back to a time-for-money question. How much time I gained back through the system allowed me to do more work that makes money in my business. And the ability to not go back to work after the kids' bedtime, guilt-free, is priceless!"

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From a physician & mom:

“Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, annoyed, and anxious at all of the things I had to do.

"After I went through Kelly’s program, I have less stress, more clarity, confidence, and honestly more sanity. I feel lighter, and when I have downtime, I can actually relax instead of worrying about projects because everything is on the calendar somewhere, so it’s all going to get done at some point – now I can just enjoy this time. I no longer have this feeling of “there’s too much to do” or “there’re things I need to do for certain projects that I’m afraid I’ll forget about.” I don’t have that dread feeling that I’ll never get everything done anymore.”

Tala Kassm, Physician & Mom, Charleston, South Carolina

Click here to hear more from Dr. Tala kassm

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Tala Kassm, Physician & Mom:

"Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, annoyed, and anxious at all of the things I had to do.

"After I went through Kelly’s program, I have less stress, more clarity, confidence, and honestly more sanity. I feel lighter, and when I have downtime, I can actually relax instead of worrying about projects because everything is on the calendar somewhere, so it’s all going to get done at some point – now I can just enjoy this time. I no longer have this feeling of “there’s too much to do” or “there’re things I need to do for certain projects that I’m afraid I’ll forget about.” I don’t have that dread feeling that I’ll never get everything done anymore.

"The big win that came out of the program was deciding to go part-time at work. The program helped me finally make that decision. Seeing everything I had to do all laid out visually made me realize that my expectations weren’t realistic. It helps to see something concrete like that.

"I really enjoyed the group dynamic. It’s really nice to meet other people and hear their struggles – to feel the sense of community through that connection. Even though we’re all in different fields, we still share that connection. As women, we’ve all been in those scenarios where people try to put things on our plates at work just because we’re the only women there, and to be able to talk about those challenges and how to handle them was powerful.

"Kelly is so awesome, receptive, and genuine, and she really listens to people and their issues. I love that even if she doesn’t immediately know the answer to a question, she’s willing to go research it and figure it out. I’m so excited that Kelly’s doing programs like this.

"If you’re thinking of taking Kelly’s course, do it! I highly, highly recommend it. For any woman who’s struggling at all with her schedule, time management, or trying to use her calendar and feeling like it’s not working, she needs to take Kelly’s course. You have no idea how helpful it is until you do it.

"Kelly’s program is a time investment at first and it does seem daunting, but it is so worth it. It’s nice that Kelly provides access to the recordings for a year - you don’t have to do them immediately, which is awesome. My advice: don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged. Do it at whatever pace you feel comfortable with, and know it isn’t always going to be this much work. If you do the work up front, it’ll pay off in the long run.

"Think of this program as investing in yourself and your family, because that’s what it is. Time management and working on your calendar is so useful, but it’s more than that – it’s being able to come home to your kid and not be distracted or worried about things you need to do. You’ll learn how to prioritize your own self-care and how to incorporate me-time into your schedule. The investment is, as I said, in yourself, in your self-care, and in your family. Who wouldn’t want to invest in that? It’s helped me so much – seriously so much."

From an attorney, business owner & mom:

“If you’re considering doing Kelly’s program, go for it. The cost and the time commitment are worth it. Kelly's program leads you through a process so that you can learn how to prioritize your professional and personal life. The ability to calmly decide what to focus on next is a huge gift to yourself.

"I was nervous about the added time commitment [of the program] but I enjoyed the time to focus on myself and to feel like I was finally getting a handle on things that I had previously struggled with.”

Molly Debault, The Law Office of Molly Debault, PLLC, attorney/owner

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From Molly Debault, The Law Office of Molly Debault, PLLC, attorney/owner:

"After working with Kelly, I feel more efficient, and I now have a process/plan and know how to make decisions to get stuff done.

"A big win was that my husband jumped on board and coordinating kids' schedules is much easier now. I am not overbooking my time because I can tell when my plate is full.

"I was hesitant to spend the money but knew I needed help. Kelly's approach worked for me because it fit my life and schedule and is extremely flexible. I did not realize how valuable it would be to hear similar experiences and struggles from other women; Kelly was an amazing moderator for the group calls.

"If you’re considering doing Kelly’s program, go for it. The cost and the time commitment are worth it. Kelly's program leads you through a process so that you can learn how to prioritize your professional and personal life. The ability to calmly decide what to focus on next is a huge gift to yourself.

"The program was worth the time it took to go through -- I was nervous about the added time commitment but I enjoyed the time to focus on myself and to feel like I was finally getting a handle on things that I had previously struggled with.

"Considering the amount of money that I have spent over the years on calendars, notebooks, software, missed appointments, time lost in figuring out what to work on next -- learning and following the program was a one time investment so I don't waste money on the things that I used to think would help."

From a business owner:

“Before taking Kelly’s program, I felt heavy… After the program, I have clarity on where my time is spent and how I manage my daily life which has actually also made me more accountable in my goals. There is no more ‘where did my day go,’ but true accountability and intentional planning for how to navigate life…

"Kelly has a way about her approach that doesn’t make me feel deficient, and with an attorney background, she has full credibility behind her."

"If you’re considering taking Kelly’s program, know these six weeks will change the way you navigate your life and ensure you are spending time where it’s needed while also truly understanding how to 'self-care.' Your MIND needs the release and the support to declutter, allowing for true creativity, time spent sparking joy, and achieving."

Erika Sinner, Founder, Directorie, St. Louis, MO

Click here to hear more from ERIKA SINNER

From Erika Sinner, Founder, Directorie, St. Louis, MO:

"Before taking Kelly’s program, I felt heavy. I also felt inadequate given I invested in Apple to have my watch, my iPad, my mobile, my Mac all connect for calendars, access to files, reminders for meetings and even being able to reply to texts from my Mac, yet was still struggling and feeling overwhelmed. I had not realized the problem was my approach to all of it not being in one place the way Kelly’s program teaches.

"After the program, I have clarity on where my time is spent and how I manage my daily life which has actually also made me more accountable in my goals. There is no more 'where did my day go,' but true accountability and intentional planning for how to navigate life. Kelly’s program helped me think about my life, where I want to spend my time, and helped me organize my thoughts. Plus, I loved the 'life hacks' I learned from the other women in the program.

"My favorite part of working through Kelly’s method is no longer having a to-do list. I didn’t realize how much it weighed on me, but knowing I have a game plan in my calendar to get it all done and have time to do it... indescribable peace.

"These changes have been noticeable beyond me, but also to my husband and my team; my team is now signing up for the course!

"Kelly has a way about her approach that doesn’t make me feel deficient, and with an attorney background, she has full credibility behind her.

"If you’re considering taking Kelly’s program, know these six weeks will change the way you navigate your life and ensure you are spending time where it’s needed while also truly understanding how to 'self-care.' Your MIND needs the release and the support to declutter, allowing for true creativity, time spent sparking joy, and achieving."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a woman working in corporate:

“Don't wait! Money got really tight for us right after I signed up, but it was 100% worth it. Feeling like I am on top of my life and everyone is cared for is worth it. I have everything I need to deal with major life changes going forward and can go into these making decisions that are right for myself and my family priorities. I changed careers and then was promoted during our time together, and I could not have streamlined my life and team as well as I did without Kelly's system in place.”

K.H., Software Education Manager, Houston, TX

From a woman in corporate & mom:

“Before working with Kelly, I felt overscheduled, overwhelmed and inefficient…

”After going through Kelly’s course, I sleep better. I am less anxious about all that I have to do because I know I have a system that allows me to prioritize the most important things first. I feel more put together and I have more confidence in saying yes or no. My mental health all around is much better… My husband and I are better partners to each other because we're getting all the stuff that takes time out in the open and making a game plan for who does what and when.

”I also had more confidence in pushing a prioritization conversation at work with my boss and business partners. I was able to get alignment to work on 3 big priorities for the quarter - only 3. With two weeks left in the quarter, we're on track to deliver all 3, something my boss didn't expect would be possible.”

Stephanie Ness, Finance Director & Mom, Minneapolis, MN

Click here to hear more from STEPHANIE NESS

From Stephanie Ness, Finance Director & Mom, Minneapolis, MN

"Before working with Kelly, I felt overscheduled, overwhelmed and inefficient. I got a lot done but not always on time or in the way that I wanted to which left me feeling bad that I wasn't as good as I said I would be or thought I could be.

"I had written to-do lists and tried to turn my work calendar into more than a work calendar but never found a strategy that worked.

"After going through Kelly’s course, I sleep better. I am less anxious about all that I have to do because I know I have a system that allows me to prioritize the most important things first. Outwardly, I feel more put together and I have more confidence in saying yes or no. My mental health all around is much better.

"I had so many wins from the program. My husband and I are better partners to each other because we're getting all the stuff that takes time out in the open and making a game plan for who does what and when. Planning sessions are everything! I felt awesome heading into the weekend which translated to other good choices. We cooked more, drank less and prioritized our time together. I felt like I was more present because I wasn't trying to multitask everything. I also had more confidence in pushing a prioritization conversation at work with my boss and business partners. I was able to get alignment to work on 3 big priorities for the quarter - only 3. With two weeks left in the quarter, we're on track to deliver all 3, something my boss didn't expect would be possible.

"This program was absolutely the right fit. There were two things I really appreciated from Kelly’s style: (1) repetition - she was intentional about coming back around to the same themes and strategies but with new context. This made the system easy to learn. (2) authentic - Kelly was real with us about what works, what trips you up and that perfection cannot be the expectation and consequently, providing a time management system that doesn't require us to be perfect.

"I really enjoyed the group dynamic! I loved learning from the other women. I could be vulnerable with no consequence and crowd sourcing solutions is really magic. Having a group of talented and accomplished women to share this journey with - celebrating wins and troubleshooting lows - was a huge benefit that I didn't expect.

"This course is worth every penny and minute. Take this class for true self care.

"The MONEY investment was a lot but then I felt justified in my high expectations of me and the program. Ultimately neither disappointed.

"I felt 110% supported during this program! By Kelly, [Kelly's executive assistant], and the other participants.

"Thank you! This program has been a joy!"

Click here to hear more from NICOLE COHEN

From a woman in corporate & mom:

“For the first time, I feel truly able to quantify my workload and needs to the people in my world who can help, from my boss to my husband!… I really feel like Kelly understands the competing demands of being a working mom, and that she’s developed a clear system to wrangle both personal and professional.”

Nicole Cohen, Mount Sinai Health System & Mom, NY, NY

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Nicole Cohen, Mount Sinai Health System & Mom, NY, NY:

"I used to feel overwhelmed and like I didn’t have a clear picture of everything on my plate, which made it difficult to communicate my needs to anyone who could potentially help me. I’d tried the Getting Things Done method, every task manager out there, no task manager at all, paper...everything!

"After Kelly’s program, I feel like I finally have a realistic idea of all the things I need to get done and a system to track things that’s simple enough that I’ll actually stick with it.

"For the first time, I feel truly able to quantify my workload and needs to the people in my world who can help, from my boss to my husband!

"Additionally, Kelly’s systematic approach to stepping out larger projects/preps/etc. has been enormously helpful.

"I really feel like Kelly understands the competing demands of being a working mom, and that she’s developed a clear system to wrangle both personal and professional. Despite working in technology and being a proud early adopter, I also love that Kelly’s system doesn’t require anything more complicated than a good calendar app.

"I really enjoyed the group format because I loved hearing what other women were going through and getting their suggestions and feedback.

"I’ve been telling everyone that Kelly really understands the pain points of trying to balance different roles, and of trying to manage the influx of “stuff” that happens on a daily basis. Kelly teaches a system that’s easy but captures everything and puts it into a realistic context.

"This program was 100% worth the time investment. I really looked forward to the meetings and to my weekend time watching the videos and getting my life under control.

"It was also 100% worth the financial investment. I hesitated a little at first because I’ve been guilty of signing up for online courses and not seeing them through, but the accountability of the group structure and the value of the course material kept me engaged and I got so much out of this."

From a business owner & mom:

“Every working mother needs to take this course! It is the best gift you can give yourself as it will help you feel more in control of your life. I used to feel like every day was a surprise in terms of how much I had to do, how I was going to get it done, and I would collapse each night feeling like I sort of survived. Using Kelly's actionable steps, I am now better at making sure there is time to get things done and I can better prioritize what I want to get done each day. I wish I had taken this course when I first started my business!

"Kelly is so awesome at this. She makes it so relatable to a wide variety of women, and she is calm and thoughtful in her responses. I loved learning from Kelly and she was so willing to share her experiences and made it a comfortable place to discuss challenges. Kelly’s expertise always felt personally tailored to meet my needs!” 

Emily Glass, True Potential College Consulting & Mom, Seattle, WA

From a woman in corporate & mom:

“This is the most practical, realistic time management program I've seen—and I am a huge productivity nerd and thought I'd seen it all! Well worth the time and money.”

Vivian Kimball, Project Manager, Jamaica Plain, MA

From an accountant & business owner:

“Putting EVERYTHING into a digital calendar has lowered my stress A LOT. I am less worried because anything I think of that I have to do now or in the future goes on the calendar and I can forget about it. I also love that if it can't get done I can just move the box to another slot and I still don't have to worry about it. I also feel like I am procrastinating less on getting work tasks done because it's broken down into smaller chunks and I set up a time and date and get it done.

"I think the investment was worth it for me. I choose the program because I knew that time management was an area that I need to improve on. To improve on a skill, you have to invest time and money, which this course delivered 100%. Also, it is like getting two for the price of one. The program is not just focused on work or personal, but both.

"All your lessons on time management were super helpful for both work and personal life. Breaking down and simplifying things makes life and work easier and manageable. Also, you repeating that it doesn't have to be a perfect system and things can be moved around."

Heather Farkas, Accountant, Business Owner

From an attorney & business owner:

“I was a bit nervous when I joined [Kelly's program] since I've done other programs and bought numerous books and watched untold number of YouTube videos on time management and made no real improvement, at least not any lasting changes…

"Now I think that I couldn’t afford NOT to take this program. It has changed the way I looked at time and the way my mind processes it. This was a game-changer for me.”

Monica Campbell, Attorney

Click here to hear more from MONICA CAMPBELL

From Monica Campbell, Attorney:

“Two months ago, before taking Kelly's program, I was feeling hopeless and desperate.

"I was a bit nervous when I joined [Kelly's program] since I've done other programs and bought numerous books and watched untold number of YouTube videos on time management and made no real improvement, at least not any lasting changes.

"Now I think that I couldn’t afford NOT to take this program. It has changed the way I looked at time and the way my mind processes it. This was a game-changer for me.

"I am now much more hopeful and a lot calmer. I don’t feel like I’m juggling all these balls in the air and possibly forgetting something anymore. I feel much more confident because I have a definite structure to keep track of things, and I can see where I before set myself up to fail.

"This was not just a platitude seminar ('make time for you… prioritize, etc.'). I loved the practical, real-world suggestions and tools.

"I really enjoyed the group dynamic, which surprised me. I thought I would prefer a 1:1 better, and I do like online courses because I can go at my own pace. BUT, I learned SO much from the different women.

"This program is worth the month and time. It is an investment in yourself. You know the saying ‘it takes money to make money’? Here, it takes time to MAKE time!"

From an architect:

“Kelly’s style is really approachable, and she just made me feel at ease.  

"This program is so worth the time and investment, because this is a system that works. Plus,  you get to connect with really great women across the country from all different professions--which really helps you realize you're not alone! I'm feeling so much more calm and comfortable with my work, and am able to objectively say when I have too much.”

Jess Blanch, Program Director, Enterprise Community Partners, Seattle WA

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From a woman in corporate:

“After going through Kelly’s course, I have more confidence knowing I have an enhanced road map, consistent plan and system to follow and trust.”

Carrie T., Marketing Director, California

Click here to hear more from CARRIE T.

From Carrie T., Marketing Director, California:

"After going through Kelly’s course, I have more confidence knowing I have an enhanced road map, consistent plan and system to follow and trust.

"I really appreciate the personalized and thoughtful considerations given to my unique situation. I also appreciate the deep listening on the group calls and care to each and every one of us.

"The Bright Method is an incredibly consistent system that works.

"I think it is worth it because the financial investment forces one to buckle down and do the personal work to get your money's worth!

"I felt absolutely supported throughout the program. Kelly was incredibly supportive, available, attentive and communicative."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a college professor & mom:

“Since going through Kelly’s program, I am less stressed even during this crazy time of COVID. Even when life gets in the way, I have a much more clear sense of what’s on my plate, what’s urgent and what’s important. I feel empowered when I am making decisions regarding what to focus on next. I feel as if my vision got clearer.”

Dr. Ece Demir-Lira, Assistant Professor & Mom, Iowa City, IA

Click here to hear more from Dr. Ece Demir-lira

From Dr. Ece Demir-Lira, Assistant Professor & Mom, Iowa City, IA:

"Before working with Kelly, I was very frustrated and confused. I used to sit down and spend 30 minutes trying to decide what to tackle next.

"I tried using paper planners, tried weekly plans and so many other things.

"Since going through Kelly’s program, I am less stressed even during this crazy time of COVID. Even when life gets in the way, I have a much more clear sense of what’s on my plate, what’s urgent and what’s important. I feel empowered when I am making decisions regarding what to focus on next. I feel as if my vision got clearer.

"I even said 'no' to someone I know, indicating that what they asked of me would not fit my schedule right now. They were surprised but they actually thanked me and said that it was much better for our relationship when I clearly defined my boundaries.

"I am also almost inbox 0 at the end of each week!

"In terms of which part of the training has been most helpful, all of it! If I have to pick, I benefit greatly from the weekly planning session and having a structure for my week as well.

"This program was the perfect fit for me as someone who is trying to tackle long-term projects, family life (child care and parent care responsibilities) and a semi-large group to manage at work. Kelly was able to give advice on all aspects of my life, which greatly benefited me.

"I truly enjoyed both the group dynamic and the ability to ask Kelly questions one-on-one. I loved seeing that other women also go through similar things and sharing ideas with them. And I also loved the freedom of being able to talk to Kelly one-on-one and seeing how we can adjust the course for my specific needs.

"If you’re considering signing up for Kelly’s program, you just cannot afford not to sign up - especially during this time in our lives when things are so hectic. Before I signed up, I told Kelly that I either needed her or a therapist - I now know. It was Kelly that I needed all along :)

"The time investment of the program was DEFINITELY worth it! It’s an investment in yourself, and it is time for true self-care.

"In terms of the financial investment, it was quite a bit of money for our budget but it was oh so worth it. I can definitely skip Starbucks for a few weeks to get this wonderful input.

I think this wild Covid time is THE time to sign up for this course to have a better understanding of things that are in our control and things that are not and we have to accept as it.

I LOVE this program!"

From a woman in corporate & mom:

“After going through Kelly’s program, I feel more empowered to raise my hand and ask for help at work because I objectively know that there is too much on my plate (rather than just feeling like there is too much on my plate). I feel more confident when I have to tell people no, or move a deadline out, because I have planned what’s a priority and what isn’t… It’s made me significantly more productive during the day and I am able to wrap up work earlier with less to do at night.”

Danielle Boone

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From Danielle Boone:

"Before the course, I was doing some time blocking and was able to prioritize successfully, but my system was not complete and the stress I felt as a result was super taxing on my mental energy.

"After going through Kelly’s program, I feel more empowered to raise my hand and ask for help at work because I objectively know that there is too much on my plate (rather than just feeling like there is too much on my plate). I feel more confident when I have to tell people no, or move a deadline out, because I have planned what’s a priority and what isn’t...

"In addition, I often find that I end up with several 30-minute windows throughout the day in between meetings. In the past, I would get to that window and not know how I could best use such a small amount of time. I couldn’t get big projects done and didn’t know which small task I should be doing at that time. I would feel overwhelmed and kind of write off those small windows, and then end up with tons of work to do at the end of the day. Now that I’m living in my calendar, I have a game plan for those small windows, and I can knock out small but important tasks (without having to spend time in the moment figuring out what to work on). It’s made me significantly more productive during the day and I am able to wrap up work earlier with less to do at night.

"Additionally, through Kelly’s program, I have gotten clarity into how I really want to spend my downtime at home, and also how I don’t. I’ve been empowered to set time aside for the things I really want to do and get excited about... I don’t feel a nagging sense that I should be doing other things during that time.

"I also found Kelly’s process for planning large one-off projects extremely helpful. At first, I didn’t think that would apply to a lot of my job, but just going through the process once helped me see how much I was underestimating the actual time involved in larger projects. Also, I have a tendency to just block off half a day to work on a large project, but inevitably that always gets moved and those projects that are important but not urgent never get done. Kelly’s system is immensely helpful in setting some sort of deadline and working back from that in a way that realistically will get things done.

"I loved the group dynamic. The women in the group were accomplished, dynamic, and real, and I felt like we would probably be friends in real life. That made the group sessions really fun, and everyone was game to share their own struggles, challenges, and wins....

"If you’re considering Kelly’s program, I’d recommend trusting the process beginning to end. You’ll get the most out of it if you’re truly engaged throughout.

"I really enjoyed going through the program during this weird COVID time. I feel like it's almost easier to manage everything right now because we're pretty much just at home all the time. So, it seems like I've got a great system in place that I'm ironing out during an easier season (logistically), and it will serve me really well once we have more on our plate. Also, it’s helped me protect time for myself, since there's not really anywhere I can go to get away. It's been important for me to set time aside just to relax on my own in another room from my family, and this program empowered me to do just that.

"In terms of going through the program itself, it was actually really fun to have something different to do than just watching TV, reading or working, so the time investment wasn't an issue at all. I would watch the videos typically that Friday night after our group session!

"Kelly’s program was so in-depth, unique, and well-executed that it felt like it was truly worth the money spent at the end."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a woman in education:

“Kelly is super approachable and genuine. She provides scaffolds and support throughout the program so anyone can access the material. And she somehow created this incredible venue for all of us to share our struggles, ask tough questions and most importantly, celebrate our wins.”

Tessa Blood, Special Education Administrator

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From Tessa Blood, Special Education Administrator:

“Before Kelly’s program, I felt completely overwhelmed at work and at home! I’d tried different to-do lists, Post-its, notepads, digital.... none worked! At work, I didn’t know how to best schedule my days to protect 'focus time'; I didn’t even know I needed 'focus time'!

"After Kelly’s program, I am so much more confident at work. I am better able to schedule meaningful time with other team members to work on projects/tasks that we need to do together...

"I loved the whole program – I can’t pick a favorite part. I love that it was pseudo self-paced; the videos made learning the techie stuff simple; the worksheets made objectively judging my workload much easier; Kelly was always accessible and supportive; and the group discussions each Friday became a highlight of my week! I appreciated the feedback from the other women in the group. And honestly, I loved being surrounded by my peers - by the end, I felt that we all grew together as women who totally rock it in their tough careers, but just needed a system to make our whole lives less stressful and more balanced and enjoyable!

"Kelly is super approachable and genuine! She provides scaffolds and support throughout the program so anyone can access the material. And she somehow created this incredible venue for all of us to share our struggles, ask tough questions, and most importantly, celebrate our wins. In our first Zoom meeting, I remember that one of the women was admittedly 'out of her element' in a group of women discussing challenges at work and in her personal life. Over time, even she felt comfortable opening up. It is my opinion that Kelly fostered an environment where we could all be ourselves and grow with confidence!

"As evidenced by my feedback thus far, I absolutely LOVED the group dynamic. As a young professional looking to grow my family, it gave me an opportunity to work with women who have tried it all and learn from their missteps in time management. The group dynamic also held me more accountable! I am someone who can fall behind and cram material in, but I wanted to make sure I did all that I could before our meeting so that I could meaningfully contribute to the discussion and ask relevant questions.

"If you are considering the course, you must be in need of some time management skill-building. If you miss out, you will waste more of your time being stressed and insecure about your schedule, workload, and personal tasks. Just do the work and your quality of life WILL improve, even before the program ends...

"I also loved taking this program during this weird COVID time. I am now able to objectively reflect on what I can actually tackle each day. Working from home showed me how much focus time I really need to do my job well, so I feel that the program was perfectly timed for me. I returned to work last week (not working all 5 days), and I was able to start the shift. Oftentimes (before COVID), I would have staff come to my office to 'check in' about something; by the end of the conversation, it was somehow 45 minutes later and I’d lost a huge chunk of focus time. Now, I am confident in letting them know that I have protected time, and that we can schedule another time to check in. As I prepare for the school year, I know what annual tasks I need to schedule for, and I now can be more realistic in scheduling those larger tasks (evaluations, observations, etc.)...

"[T]hese results were definitely worth the time investment. I tend to be a workaholic, and (prior to the course) my weekends were spent cleaning, grocery shopping, meal prepping, etc. I found it exciting to make time for Kelly’s program, and it felt awesome to do something for myself!

"Investing in Kelly’s program was a no-brainer. There is really no way to put a price tag on getting rid of that daily anxiety of feeling like I was always behind on something.

"Honestly, as a special educator, I often look for expert teaching methods when engaging in professional development - and Kelly uses A LOT of them."

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From an attorney:

“Kelly’s system is the best time management system I’ve ever worked with, she is a wonderful teacher and coach, and is a joy to work with. You were fantastic, Kelly. I am so grateful I found you!”

Page Ulrey, Lawyer, Seattle, WA

From an actress:

"If you’re considering joining Kelly’s group program, DO IT! It's 100% worth every penny. This method has been life changing for me and worth the time and the money to invest."

Alyssa Diaz, Actress, Los Angeles

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From Alyssa Diaz, Actress, Los Angeles:

"Before working with Kelly, I’d forget appointments and lots of things would fall through the cracks. I was using planners and felt like a mess and like I was all over the place.

"I now feel way better. After going through the program, I feel so much more organized, and I don't feel like I am missing anything. I have such a better handle on my time and don't feel overwhelmed or unproductive. I feel like I have attained a nice balance.

"Kelly’s process for learning how to break down big projects into bite size pieces and approach to pushing back things that aren’t a priority were both super helpful. Also, having everything in one place is so helpful. I actually enjoy using my calendar and this whole process.

"In terms of the program itself, I love how we did the weekly check ins. It helped me hold myself accountable. Breaking down all the videos into segments was great too. The fact that Kelly uses this system herself made the whole experience even more helpful.

"I love the group dynamic. It's lovely to see women from all different types of professions doing their best to manage their time. We are all busy, but it was nice to feel a part of a community of women who were bettering themselves. It made me feel not so alone!

"If you’re considering joining Kelly’s group program, DO IT! It's 100% worth every penny. This method has been life-changing for me and worth the time and the money to invest.

"The time investment was completely worth it. Time is money, and if I'm not using my time well, I’m wasting money."

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From a working mom:

“After taking Kelly’s program, I find myself being more organized and less stressed than ever despite increasing demands with work and expanding my family (one dog + baby). … Kelly’s program helps women and families succeed.”


Click here to hear more from MARISSA

From Marissa:

"After taking Kelly’s program, I find myself being more organized and less stressed than ever despite increasing demands with work and expanding my family (one dog + baby). I learned so many helpful tips from Kelly and my cohort of successful women!

"My whole family still uses her calendar system and the upcoming weekly review. Even my 12-year-old daughter has benefitted by learning how to schedule in her sports practices and tournaments, exams and tutoring sessions (with zoom links), and other extracurricular and social activities. I wish I had learned all of the life hacks from Kelly at that age.

"I thought the program was well worth it just for me alone, but it really is paying off in dividends. My daughter no longer procrastinates and is now getting top grades. Plus, my husband also appreciates that we’re finally on the same page when it comes to doing pick-ups, drop-offs, and everything in between."

Kelly’s program helps women and families succeed."

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the Bright Method here

From a business owner:

“This course won’t just help you get organized and manage your time, it will help you prioritize what matters most… The system Kelly teaches will bring you peace of mind and greater clarity… It feels amazing to know I can stop searching for a time management system that works for me!”

Cat Mulvihill, Business Owner

Click here to hear more from CAT MULVIHILL

From Cat Mulvihill, Business Owner:

"Before going through Kelly’s program, I felt scattered and inconsistent. I was always playing catch-up. I chose to work on time management now because as a solo entrepreneur, I have to stay organized and manage my own schedule.

"Using the Bright Method that Kelly teaches has been an amazing eye-opener about how much time tasks actually take, and how unrealistic I had been about project timelines... Most importantly, it helped me say 'no' more easily to lower priority tasks and requests.

"Learning to shift my perspective by using the calendar has been the most helpful tool for me. Before, I thought it was overwhelming to see so many tasks and events in the calendar. Now, I recognize it’s a reflection of how I’m spending my time.

"This course helped me address a problem I didn’t realize I had, which was having unrealistic to-do lists and not allocating appropriate time in my schedule to complete tasks. I feel more in control of my schedule now, and I have more clarity overall.

"This course won’t just help you get organized and manage your time, it will help you prioritize what matters most. The system Kelly teaches will bring you peace of mind and greater clarity.

It feels amazing to know I can stop searching for a time management system that works for me!"

From a woman in corporate & mom:

“The visual nature of Kelly’s approach is SO BRILLIANT. I love the way it translates a to-do list into an actionable plan with a clear sense of the time and resources required to complete things on time. Kelly’s course offers a practical, simple and logical system to organize my work, personal and family to-dos in a clear, visual and compelling way.”

Gina Clark des Cognets, Senior Director, Organizational Development, Strava

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From Gina Clark des Cognets, Senior Director, Organizational Development, Strava:

"Before working through Kelly’s program, I sometimes felt overwhelmed by the number of interests and projects competing for my time and energy: my young company, other freelance work projects, non-profit board work, and of course, my beloved family and friends.

"The visual nature of Kelly’s approach is SO BRILLIANT. I love the way it translates a to-do list into an actionable plan with a clear sense of the time and resources required to complete things on time.

"Kelly’s course offers a practical, simple and logical system to organize my work, personal and family to-dos in a clear, visual and compelling way... I also appreciated that I didn’t have to abandon my love of pen and paper for taking daily notes — instead, Kelly offered some simple and flexible suggestions for how I could marry the two approaches in a way that would best suit my personal needs."

That's it – I'm in! Sign me up to learn
the Bright Method here

From a business owner & mom:

“Working with Kelly has been an absolute dream and breath of fresh air. She’ll save you time, money, and headaches - most of all, she’ll help you bring more freedom and balance into your work and life.”

Monica Watson, Berlin Skin, Founder + CEO & Mom

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From Monica Watson, Berlin Skin, Founder + CEO & Mom:

"Working with Kelly has been an absolute dream and breath of fresh air.

"Being an entrepreneur, wife, and mom, my plate tends to fill up very quickly. Kelly helped me organize my calendar in a way that has truly eliminated so much overwhelm that I’d been experiencing in the past.

"I can now look at my week with confidence and joy, seeing everything organized and in its place.

"She has also been a huge resource for me in the process of hiring an employee: her insight and knowledge is unsurpassed. I can’t wait to continue working with Kelly as my business grows and new needs arise."

If you’re a sole entrepreneur, small business, or large corporation, work with Kelly!

She’ll save you time, money, and headaches - most of all, she’ll help you bring more freedom and balance into your work and life."

From a business owner:

“Working with Kelly was such an amazing experience! I knew that time management and time blocking was something I REALLY needed to work on, especially as my business grew and more tasks and projects arise, but I was honestly was nervous about the idea of it all. Kelly really helped to ease my anxiety around it and has made my scheduling and time management process SO much easier and better!”

Rhea Reid, CEO, Rhea Whitney Photography & PhotoBomb

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From Rhea Reid, CEO, Rhea Whitney Photography & PhotoBomb:

"Working with Kelly was such an amazing experience!

"I knew that time management... was something I REALLY needed to work on, especially as my business grew and more tasks and projects arise, but I honestly was nervous about the idea of it all. Kelly really helped to ease my anxiety around it and has made my scheduling and time management process SO much easier and better!

"I feel a new sense of ease as I look at my week and month and plan out my projects, and I now have a new system I can implement day by day as it relates to projects, meetings, and tasks that need to get done. I feel so productive and confident in my scheduling!

"Thank you Kelly for helping me get clearer on my time management and calendar blocking! I can finally check off the to-do list and incorporate what you taught me seamlessly into my life!!"

From a business owner & mom:

“This year I became a new mom. Kelly was able really help me get RE-organized in this new role… She gave me practical tools and simple, user-friendly processes that allowed me to continue running my soon-to-be 7-figure business, working no more than 20 hours a week, being fully present with my daughter, and also (very important!) always having time to take a shower :)”

Brenda Lomeli, CEO/Entrepreneur & Mom

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From Brenda Lomeli, CEO/Entrepreneur & Mom:

"This year I became a new mom. I was really pretty damn good at running my business before my daughter, but once my daughter was born and I tried to figure out the new landscape of being both an entrepreneur running a multiple 6-figure business from home AND caring for a new little human, I suddenly felt unorganized and like I couldn’t even find the time to take a decent shower!

"Kelly was able really help me get RE-organized in this new role. She gave me practical tools and simple, user-friendly processes that allowed me to continue running my soon-to-be 7-figure business, working no more than 20 hours a week, being fully present with my daughter, and also (very important!) always having time to take a shower :)

"She really spent time with me getting clear on what was important for me and showed me exactly how to make it all work in my life using her processes and tools. After only one call, my life felt organized and simple instead of overwhelming and unmanageable.

"I’m no longer overwhelmed, so I can enjoy each part of my day... whether it’s replying to client emails or having a dance party with my daughter Gianna.

"I no longer spend time worrying about when I’ll get things done because I know exactly when I do the things I do, which really allows me to enjoy ALL OF IT without worry.

"Kelly is great! I’m telling you - ONE SESSION changed the quality of my life. And not just my life, my family’s life!"

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From a business owner & mom:

“If you’re considering working with Kelly, know that I get that sometimes we may think investing in knowing how to be better organized seems overwhelming and even sometimes unnecessary, but it’s the base of being able to do all the things you want. Do it. It’s life-changing.”

Lorena Garcia, Co-Founder and CEO of Majka & Mom

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Lorena Garcia, Co-Founder and CEO of Majka & Mom:

"Before I worked with Kelly, I felt completely overwhelmed and not as productive as I knew I could be. Since working with Kelly, I have a better idea how to make the most out of my time and know that I don’t have to do everything at the same time for it to all get done.

"My favorite part of working with Kelly is that she personalized her technique to work for me. She’s a working mom, too, so she understands. She was able to relate to what I was going through and adapt her method to make it work for me.

"If you’re considering working with Kelly, know that I get that sometimes we may think investing in knowing how to be better organized seems overwhelming and even sometimes unnecessary, but it’s the base of being able to do all the things you want. Do it. It’s life-changing."

From a business owner:

“Since working with Kelly, I’ve experienced a significant decrease in my anxiety. I can’t even describe how peaceful it feels to know that all of my ‘to-do’s’ have a home AND an action plan for getting done… I’m excited to get up for the day because I know exactly what to expect – I feel more in control, instead of my ‘to do’ list controlling ME.”

Katelyn Parsons, Certified Emotional Eating Coach

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From Katelyn Parsons, Certified Emotional Eating Coach:

"Before I worked with Kelly, I felt scattered and anxious. I had a paper to-do list. A to-do list on my iNotes. A to-do list on my whiteboard. I’d send myself emails with ‘inspired thoughts’ or reminders – I was all over the place, drowning in inspiration, without feeling like I had a clear path for how to take action.

"Since working with Kelly, I’ve experienced a significant decrease in my anxiety. I can’t even describe how peaceful it feels to know that all of my ‘to-do’s’ have a home AND an action plan for getting done. I’ve begun sharing this process with my own clients and THEY’RE getting results, particularly around finding more opportunities for more mindful eating practices.

"I’m excited to get up for the day because I know exactly what to expect – I feel more in control, instead of my ‘to do’ list controlling ME. It’s also given me more opportunity to really enjoy my ‘off’ time without feeling guilty or like something needs to get done.

"My favorite part of Kelly’s method was creating a sustainable system and habits that are totally realistic but also flexible enough to shift without feeling like everything is being screwed up all at once. Kelly is incredibly thorough with explaining WHY everything is relevant and also giving you the foundation to build a very well-oiled process for time management, while allowing enough room to really customize to your lifestyle and business.

"I now have so much less stress – I can’t even tell you. I have more clarity around the projects that I want to work on. More time for clients (really being super present with them), as well as my friends + family.

"I [now] know how to manage my calendar...which means that I now know how to manage my time. I used to despise planning and I never knew why. Now I know it's because I never felt confident with my calendar/time in general which kept me feeling insecure about actually setting specific goals or deadlines.....I can set them now and know they'll actually get done, which is a MAJOR confidence boost.

"Kelly is like having your super smart, successful, laid back best friend come over for coffee and changing your life at the same time. (this system really is gold - easy to understand, implement and see results immediately...who doesn’t want that??)"

From a business owner & mom:

“Now that I’m using Kelly’s method, I’ve gained immense clarity in what I’m trying to accomplish each day and been more realistic with my to-do list. I’ve discovered pockets of time in which I am most efficient working on my business and the times of day that I’m most efficient working on my house. This has left me more available to spend time with my family.”

Emily Watson, Founder of MyNestwell & Mom

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From Emily Watson, Founder of MyNestwell & Mom:

"Before working with Kelly, I felt overwhelmed, scattered and anxious. I’ve struggled to have an enjoyable work-life balance as an entrepreneur. I knew I needed a better system in place.

"Now that I’m using Kelly’s method, I’ve gained immense clarity in what I’m trying to accomplish each day and been more realistic with my to-do list. I’ve discovered pockets of time in which I am most efficient working on my business and the times of day that I’m most efficient working on my house. This has left me more available to spend time with my family.

"My favorite part of working with Kelly was just how easy it was. I loved that she wasn’t afraid to question my habits and routines and if they were really serving me most efficiently with my family goals, personal goals, and business goals.

"Our personalities just clicked. Being a fairly new mom herself and me a new mom, she could understand the mental load I was juggling.

"I now feel like I have a system that I can continue to tweak as my demands evolve… Being able to find time for all of the different facets of life can be challenging, but Kelly helps simplify the overwhelm."

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From a woman in corporate:

“Kelly’s organizational and communication skills are exceptional… Best of all, Kelly is a compassionate human being who cares deeply for her clients.”

Emily Behrmann, Broker-Associate, New Wave Real Estate

From an attorney:

"Kelly was personable and friendly and never got flustered. I never felt judged because of my paper-heavy, cluttered office.

"With an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth and a law degree from Boston College as well as big law firm experience, Kelly is smart as a whip - and she understands how law firms and complex organizations work. She has a PhD in decluttering and organizing. She helped us create and keep deadlines, always with a smile and a kind word.

"Kelly is superb. Whether it is for a few hours or a few months, Kelly is worth her weight in gold. Five stars across the board."

Rick Waite, Partner, Keeney Waite & Stevens

From an woman in corporate & mom:

“Kelly’s extraordinary organizational sense, her quick intelligence, and wisdom about setting up systems that work have made a big difference in my life… [Kelly] has the compassion, warmth, humor, and perspective to turn what I saw as drudgery into a project I look forward to completing with her. The value of her service far exceeds the cost, and I am immensely grateful to have the pleasure of working with her.”

Elizabeth Willis, Director of Sales & Marketing

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